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Perched high on the sand, just a stone’s throw from the water, Beach House feels as though it’s been washed ashore and weathered over time. Soaking in all of its natural setting, the essence of Beach House is firmly rooted in the Gower, from the rugged stone walls, through to the food on the plate. Nothing is taken for granted and everything is carefully considered.

The freshest local produce, whether reared, caught, picked or grown, is served through each season, as Beach House delivers a refined dining experience overlooking the iconic Oxwich Bay.

Mae Beach House ar y tywod, dafliad carreg o’r dŵr, yn teimlo fel pe bai wedi ei olchi i’r lan a’i dreulio gan y tywydd. Mae naws Beach House, sydd wedi ei wreiddio’n ddwfn ym Mhenrhyn Gŵyr yn adlewyrchu ei gynefin naturiol, o’r waliau cerrig garw, i’r bwyd ar y plât. Does dim yn cael ei gymryd yn ganiataol ac mae popeth yn cael ei ystyried yn ofalus.

Mae’r cynnyrch lleol mwyaf ffres, boed wedi ei fagu, ei ddal, ei gasglu neu ei dyfu, yn cael ei weini trwy bob tymor, ac mae bwyta yn Beach House yn brofiad chwaethus wrth i chi edrych dros fae eiconig Oxwich.

One Michelin Star Three AA Rosettes

A little bit about

Beach House

Head Chef Hywel Griffith opened the Beach House doors in 2016, bringing this old coal house on the shore of Oxwich Beach to life. Since opening, the restaurant has become a true food destination on the Gower. Its rugged stone walls and beautiful interiors reflect its iconic coastal location backed by the giant dunes of Oxwich, the Cefyn Bryn ridge and Three Cliffs Bay.

Hywel’s food showcases the full flavour of our produce from across Wales and right here on our doorstep in the Gower. The restaurant has won numerous awards for the quality of the food, including 3 AA Rosettes, and a coveted Michelin Star which it has held since 2020.

Agorodd y Prif Gogydd Hywel Griffith ddrysau’r Beach House yn 2016, gan roi bywyd newydd i’r hen gwt glo hwn ar lannau Traeth Oxwich. Ers iddo agor, mae’r bwyty wedi dod yn gyrchfan bwyd da ar y Gŵyr. Mae ei waliau cerrig garw a’i ddodrefn hardd yn adlewyrchu ei leoliad glan mor eiconig gyda thwyni tywod anferth Oxwich, crib Cefn Bryn a Bae Three Cliffs yn y cefndir.

Mae bwyd Hywel yn arddangos blas llawn ein cynnyrch o ledled Cymru yma ar ein stepen drws ym Mhenrhyn Gŵyr. Mae’r bwyty wedi ennill sawl gwobr am ansawdd y bwyd, gan gynnwys 3 Rosette AA, ac mae ganddo Seren Michelin ers 2020.

Our Head Chef

Hywel Griffith

Hywel was brought up in the foothills of Snowdonia, in the slate mining village of Bethesda. The rugged landscape of the Snowdonia National Park has hugely influenced his love for the great outdoors, and his honest commitment to promoting and using great Welsh ingredients.

That commitment is translated into the guest experience at Beach House, where Hywel has built a relaxed dining experience that highlights the best local and seasonal produce, inspired by the natural setting of the Gower coastline.

Prif Gogydd

Hywel Griffith

Cafodd Hywel ei fagu ym Methesda, un o bentrefi ardal y chwareli yn ardal Eryri. Mae tirwedd arw Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri wedi dylanwadu’n fawr iawn ar ei gariad at yr awyr agored, a’i ymrwymiad gonest tuag at hyrwyddo a defnyddio cynhwysion gwych o Gymru.

Mae’r ymrwymiad yna’n cael ei drosglwyddo i brofiad unrhyw westai yn Beach House, lle mae Hywel wedi creu profiad o wledda mewn awyrgylch hamddenol sy’n tynnu sylw at y cynnyrch lleol a thymhorol gorau, wedi’i ysbrydoli gan leoliad naturiol arfordir Penrhyn Gŵyr.


Beach House Team

Our Beach House family work alongside Hywel to deliver a truly memorable dining experience for all our guests.

Mae ein teulu yn Beach House yn gweithio ochr yn ochr â Hywel er mwyn rhoi profiad hollol gofiadwy i’n holl westeion yn y bwyty.

Fresh & Local

Our Ingredients

Hywel has a healthy obsession with the wide variety of local produce available to him. When he first opened the restaurant, he was determined to create a menu bursting with produce from the surrounding area, and from across Wales. Today, the Beach House tasting menus are created using the very best ingredients. Whether reared, caught, picked, or grown, it’s usually from just a few short miles away.

Mae gan Hywel obsesiwn iach â’r amrywiaeth eang o gynnyrch lleol sydd ar gael iddo. Pan agorodd y bwyty i ddechrau, roedd yn benderfynol o greu bwydlen oedd yn llawn cynnyrch o’r ardal leol, ac ar draws Cymru. Heddiw, caiff bwydlenni blasu Beach House eu creu gan ddefnyddio’r cynhwysion gorau. Boed wedi ei fagu, ei ddal, ei gasglu neu ei dyfu, dydy o ddim yn teithio’n bell fel arfer. Darllenwch ragor.

Wine Cellar

Matty, our Sommelier, is always on the lookout for wonderful wines from near and far to fill our cellar.

Mae Matty, ein Sommelier, bob amser yn cadw llygad am winoedd ardderchog o bell ac agos er mwyn llenwi ein selar.

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