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The return of the sun means one thing…bbq season is here

We’ve always been big BBQ fans here at Beach House, and our recent Father’s Day BBQ cooking class showcased some of our best tips, tricks and go to recipes to build into your grilling menu at home. Here we’ll share a few of our favourite recipes for sides and sauces to help you transform your next BBQ experience.

Brioche Burger Buns

240ml warm water
3tbs warm milk
7g dried yeast
2.5tbs sugar
360 bread flour
60g all-purpose flour
2tbs butter
1.5 tbs salt
2 eggs

Bloom the yeast in milk, water, and sugar until slightly foaming.
Mix both flours, salt and butter – add yeast, mix and add one egg at a time.
Mix until a smooth dough has formed, prove until the dough has doubled in size.
Knock back and roll 95-100g dough balls and lightly brush with egg yolk, place on a greased oven tray and covered.
Once proved to double in size bake at 200c for 8-10 minutes.

BBQ Pineapple & Rum

1 large pineapple
100g rum
20g honey
50ml water
50g sugar

Skin the pineapple leaving the top.
Add all ingredients together and reduce by ½ .
BBQ the pineapple over coals and brush the rum reduction on occasionally, until caramelised
Serve with vanilla ice cream or similar.

Beach House BBQ Sauce

200g tomato paste
50g white wine vinegar
50g caster sugar
50g dark brown sugar
3tbs honey
2 tbs treacle
2 tbs oil
½ tbs mustard
1.5 tbs paprika
½ white pepper

Gently warm all ingredients together and chill. Serve with all your favourite dishes.


10g dark brown sugar
2g salt
1tbs paprika
2 tbs chilli
2 tbs rosemary
1 tbs cumin
1 tbs pepper
½ tbs mustard
½ tbs thyme leaves
¼ all spice

Mix all the ingredients together. Store in a cool, dry place

Sriracha marinade

1 ½ tbs honey
1 tbs soy
1 sriracha sauce
1 tbs apple vinegar
½ tbs salt

Mix all and keep chilled

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